Fit As Scheidt

Fats - Why is this so complicated?

Blake Scheidt Season 1 Episode 11

Whats kind of fats should i be eating? 

Whats the difference between saturated, polysaturated, monsaturated, and trans? 

How can we make this simple? 

No problem! I go over how to make this simple, without having to know all the hyrdogen compound stuff. 

Download and learn what to cooke with, how to think about fats, and good places to start to get more of them in your diet.

Welcome to the finished site podcast. My name is Blake and I'm your host and it is good to be back. Got some good coffee here from Concord coffee. Shout out some of the best coffee in my town. Uh, we are going to continue. This week with talking about our four point series. So we've talked about protein. We did that two weeks ago. We hit hydration last week, and this week we're going to dive into fats. And this is always an interesting one because fats are complicated. The problem with the most complicated out of the three big macros. So we're going to, we're going to look at that. I'm going to try to break them down as simple as possible. I'm gonna try to keep this short because I find that makes more people want to click and listen to this a little less intimidating, little more. I can fit this podcast into my day. So, uh, I guess if you're not Joe Rogan, no one wants to listen to you for 90 minutes. So I'm gonna try to keep it as short as possible. I'm going to make it as simple as possible. And then I'm going to give some action steps in. Um, and some, I guess, quick tips for how to use fats in your diet. So fats are an essential macronutrient. Okay. There are essential to our bodies and without them, we would break down and die. So people want to get rid of fat. Fat is good for your body. It is natural for your body. Prehistoric people did not look like bodybuilding magazine. All right. So it's unnatural to be that low in fat. Our body likes fat and it needs it. It doesn't need maybe as much as you have on it. And you may not like the aesthetic newness of how much fat you have, but remember fat does serve a purpose. And the reason our body wants to accumulate it is because it does help us survive. Let's get a little more into that. People will run into all kinds of problems when they get into super lean numbers of body fat. Uh that's. That is for like a total nother conversation. But for today, we'll cover the basics of these fats and why, um, why they're important each group of fats. So, uh, let's go through the four different ones. Number one polyunsaturated fatty acids. You've probably heard of these, a great example of some good ones are omega threes. So things with, with. Oil in it. Those are anti-inflammatory. So may threes get a really good name in the supplement industry and because they are anti-inflammatory in nature, so they help, especially athletes or people train really hard with, uh, pulling back. A lot of the inflammation. Omega six is, have more inflammatory kind of a mechanism to them. So that's good to know. Things that you might not have known. And I learned recently, like in the last year, is that if you have too much chicken in your diet, there's actually a lot, omega six is in it. That's something not to overthink most of the time. I would say chickens, a great thing to have in your diet unless you're vegan or vegetarian for moral purposes. But I think that, uh, Chickens usually really good, but it is interesting that if you eat high amounts of it, it does have a high omega six, and that can cause some inflammation issues, uh, think seed oils, fish, flax, seed, that type of thing. These are all poly saturated, fatty acids. Okay. Number two is mano saturated, fatty acids. Mano saturated. So think of avocados, nuts oils. Uh, red meat fats, those types of things. So three saturated, fatty acids. All right. We have animal fat butter coconut, um, these assistant making testosterone by the way, and other hormonal processes. So saturated, fatty acids are really good for hormones. Um, and this is, what's been getting a ton of buzz lately. When people talk about the cholesterol issue, uh, well, is your cholesterol high as well? Depends. Like, is, are your fatty acids? Are they saturated fatty acids, uh, that you're eating most of your fat from and getting a lot of your cholesterol? Well, there's a lot of good in that. Um, if it's the other one, this fourth one like trans fatty acids, then you might be in some trouble. All right. Trans fatty acids are going to be like veggie oil fried foods. Bakery products. Uh, non-dairy coffee creamers, right? This, this fat typically has more bad than good in it. And it raises bad cholesterol and lowers good cholesterol. So simple reminder, poly saturated. Good for you. A monounsaturated. Good for you. Saturated. Good for your trans fatty acids. Not so good. So this is why like on all the labels they write, you know, zero trans fat in this. And that's good now, but that can also be very misleading as most. Um, marketing tools are geared towards you buying their yummy food and wanting to keep buying it. So it's a consumer issue. So what are some of the important takeaways here? All right. Don't have to memorize all this all right. Or know all the different types of fats, but what you do need to know are probably these three things. Um, fats are higher in calories, right? Not everyone knows that, but simply put, if you're going to be on a higher fat diet, recognize that it's going to be more calorie dense and it may not fill you up like protein does, or even some carbohydrates. Um, you might want more of it and not realize that you're consuming a ton of calories. If you, if you want to go look at a really good, simple way of explaining this, like, just go look on all of them. And when you drizzle even extra-virgin olive oil, you know, two teaspoons of that is like 200 and something calories. And you're like what? I had no idea. So very quickly you can hit your caloric intake with high fatty foods. Uh, so they're nine calories per gram carbs and proteins are four that's number one, number two. More processed fats, equal poor health, especially in, in the trans fats that we just talked about. Uh, more processed equals poor health. That's a great general rule of thumb. But think about that as trans fats, trans fats are more processed or bakery goods right there, the coffee creamer that's been made in some sort of factory, uh, fry foods like. So number one. That's our own calories. Number two more processes was for health and the number three aim to get more omega threes in your diet. So help with inflammation. Uh, typically most people have inflammation issues from their diet, right? And this causes GI issues and a lot of other things. So those are kind of three important takeaways from thinking about that. If you can aim to get some really good omega-3. We call it our poly saturated fats, right? You stay away from trans fatty acids and you get a good, you know, mixture of monounsaturated and saturated, fatty acids, particular saturated, fatty acids, like can be really great for your hormones, um, and can help you function really well. Um, and can even raise testosterone levels for gentlemen recommendations, cook with these three things, right? Coconut oil, coconut oil is. Medium chain triglyceride. So we call that MCT MTCs are, uh, used as energy instead of simply being stored. So, you know, a lot of times fat is something that is an energy you want to store for later. Um, We want to use fats and we want to use fats for making us function faster and feeling better and helping with inflammation. So making them a good energy source, uh, especially for those looking to lose weight, MCTs are believed to have. Um, thermogenetic fat burning properties, uh, that that really can help with the fat burning process. This is a lot of like why, um, like ketogenic diet has gotten so much buzz in the last couple of years, so you don't need to go keto to enjoy some really good MTT. But, um, this is a very helpful thing to cook with. All right. And if you are like one of those people, that's trying to go very whole foodish and stay away from processed foods. Um, and you're having a hard time hitting your calories cause they're not very calorie dense. This is a great way to add in some more calories. Um, that's not usually a big problem for a lot of people, but I know some people are trying to gain muscle and, and, and get enough calories in while eating only whole foods. So that's for you. Number two, grass fed butter is a very, very helpful thing to cook cook with, and it's very good for your gut health, right? So you got coconut oil, got MCTs in a grass fed butter, very good for your gut health avocado and extra-virgin olive oil are a good source of vitamins to assist with hormonal production. Um, so again, these are the, these are the mono saturated fats, right? That are really helpful here. Um, great for great for hormonal production. Um, and, and actually really tasty together. So anybody who's ever had avocado and, and extra Virgin olive oil to kind of together with a little bit of like salt and pepper. Bam, that junk's good. So if you cook with these three, um, you know, instead of like the olive oil spray, that's like not real olive oil or canola oil or, other processed oils, like these are much better cooking nutrients that we are getting a little bit into the micronutrients, but where you add in some healthy, good fats and you get some of this. Better brain, clearing the brain fog and kind of getting more brain function and hormonal function and feeling healthier and better. These are my top three coconut oil grass fed butter and, um, avocado oil or extra Virgin olive oil. So there you go. Let's talk a couple actions to. All right. I told you I was gonna try and make this simple, um, fats can be like a deep dark hole and I'm not really interested in going down there for, for most of my clients are in, we listened to this. What I'm more trying to help you think through is what to cook with, um, how to add more in recognize that there are four different types of fats and then use these action steps, right? So the research does show there's no difference in ratios between carbs and fats, as long as protein is adequate and you're in a caloric deficit. Okay. So this means that people have had plenty success on weight loss or, um, or body composition on high fat or high carb diets when it comes to weight loss. Uh, it really is just about a caloric deficit. However, I would recommend for most people to be in the 30 to 40% range of fats. Um, talk to me. About where you were, you know, what your goal is and things like that. But typically I find 30 to 40% is a good range to be in. When you start heading into that 20% range, you're, you're starting to deplete your body. Probably have some of the really good nutrients that come out of fats that our body needs. Um, so just, just, you know, thought for here. I did listen to some people. I will list who they are recently, who are very big on kind of a high-fat diet. And showing some short term studies that have shown that higher fat diets are more effective. They do help you with your triglycerides. They help you become more insulin sensitive. Um, so that when you do go to eat more carbohydrates, uh, your body is burning more fat and it's not being overworked and not being used properly so all that to say, I would say, err, more on a higher fat diet. If you're having more body fat, you need to lose and lower fat diet, the leaner you are. All right. Reasons being is that if you want to leave adequate room for quality carbs, which we'll talk about next week in our diet for training them, you need to keep your fats and. Um, if you're completely fine on a higher fat diet and that's what you like and enjoy, and it works for you and you you're staying in a good calorie, maintenance or deficit then great for you. Um, I would say for athletes like that are training for competitions and, and trying to get stronger. You want to have an adequate amount of fats in your diet and definitely an adequate amount of carbohydrates. So that would be like a, just a really good split would probably be 30% protein, 35, 35. And just stay well-rounded there. You might, as you get closer to competition or as you're peeking in your season of training, you want to go maybe higher on the carbs. Uh, and we'll talk more about that next week. Um, and a little bit lower on fats, but probably for an athlete, I'd probably have you go no lower than 25%. So here's some great questions. Uh, just kind of take away, just think about, do you eat more fats or carbs on a regular basis? You know, Or is that just out of convenience or is it out of functionality? Number two? What kind of fats do you find yourself mostly eating? Right. Do you eat like a baked goods and, you know, fried foods or are you eating more like avocados and nuts? Uh, are you eating more, uh, animal meat with high fat in it? Um, you know, are you, what kind of fats are you. And then number three, what was one thing that you, you know, you feel like you can start implementing here. So is it that, oh, okay. I need to actually see how much fat I'm getting in my diet. I need to pay attention to what I'm cooking with coconut oil and my E uh, is it too much processed oils? Um, you know, is it that maybe I'm eating maybe part of my weight loss is that I'm, um, I'm struggling with is that I eat a high fat diet and I didn't realize how many more calories are in. And I'm really not as hungry as I might, hunger cues, you're giving me and I need to pull back a little bit, um, is it that, you know, maybe you had too much poly saturated fats in your diet and not enough saturated fats in your diet, and just trying to get a good well mix of those things. So love to hear more from you. Leave comments below, ask questions on Instagram, head on over to if you're interested in any coaching over. Blake Scheidt There is, a application to fill out on there. If you're interested in talking with me for 15 minutes and just kind of get to see a little bit more of who I am over the phone and begin the process of maybe getting a full-time coach who gears everything towards you, individually, both from a program and a nutrition perspective, head on over there and check that. Please share this with anyone who'd be interested and, um, please give us a five star rating. We want to earn all five stars from you. So hopefully any feedback on how to make this better would love to hear and thanks for supporting the podcast.