Fit As Scheidt

Hydration & Performance

Blake Scheidt Season 1 Episode 10

Could be the thing that is missing from your nut. that is killing your gains? 

Responsible for: 
- Helping Performance
- Losing Weight 
- Recovery 
- Aesthetics 

Learn the science 
Think practically about how to get more in
Learn where to start if you suck at this like i do. 

Welcome to the finished shape podcast. I am your host Blake shite. Good to be back with you as we're doing our four point series on protein, hydration, fats, and carbs, kind of the essential macronutrients well, we're going to talk about hydration. We're going to talk about why water is important and it's getting hot out there. Especially in my home state, Florida, it is definitely going to be something that we need to think about. So water's not the first thing people think about when they're trying to lose weight or get ripped or gain huge muscles. However, one of the most important contributors to making these goals is hydrate. Why, why is it so important? Because proper hydration is one of the most important parts of recovery post-training, um, it helps regulate us. It helps get things flowing back to the gut. It helps all kinds of things, but I'll quote Jason Phillips, who I'm going through several of his nutritional certifications right now. As I've already gone through precision nutrition, level one, Jason is someone I found who is coach. Multiple movie stars, athletes professional, and has a whole school online on helping nutritional coaches. He's got some great stuff and, uh, just a really helpful resource. But he said in his book, macros he talks about how just 1% dehydration, just 1% being dehydrated in athletes can diminish their performance by 10 to 12. That's significant. So the avoidance is simply not drinking enough. Water can really affect your performance. So for you Floridians that are local, or those of us who are heading into summer and not used to the heat, right. Just remember, stay hydrated. Um, keep that going. And we're going to keep talking a little bit more on why that's important. Uh, but let's say you don't care about performance. Let's say you're just an aesthetics or general health client hydration assists in mental clarity and the removal of byproducts from our material. No, that's a good thing and a bad thing and a lot of ways, right? Uh, it's good because it's going to get toxins out of our body. It's going to help with, um, having good stool, good bowel movements. Uh, right last week we talked a lot about protein and upping your protein and making sure you're getting enough in well, that also can create. Some GI issues and part of how you can help that is staying hydrated when you're dehydrated, right? You can either be constipated or, uh, ironically you can have diarrhea. So those are, those are both, symptoms of that. Hydration helps you push the, the GI track in a healthy way, but it also can be a problem because you can be pushing if you override. Or drink too much, right. We can be losing too many minerals that our body needs, and this is huge. And this is why, um, my wife and I, my wife, more than I should give her more credit here. But, uh, we do trace mineral drops. Right. You can get this at, I believe this all at Publix, you definitely get at GreenWise. If you're here locally in Lakeland, or if you're listening to me abroad right. Or abroad somewhere else in the world, uh, you can just order this off Amazon. It's about 30 bucks and you just put a couple drops in your. Adds a ton of minerals. Why is that important? Oh, lots of reasons. Minerals really help, um, the body in lots of ways, but they really are catalysts for vitamins and other nutrients. Your body uses to develop and maintain good health. Um, that's like kind of in a nutshell, why it's important, um, providing your body's entire electrical system, the minerals, it needs to function properly. This is just a huge, Way of helping you feel better. Right? So it's like saying, let's say I eat the same amount of food each day, but the quality of that food changes, right. I'll feel better on higher quality. Why? Because there's more micro nutrients in there that supply my body with what it needs on a detailed level. Right. When we talk about macros, which is what we're doing now and hydration. We're talking about kind of big picture. Is it getting enough of the main, big things in our diet enough protein, carbs fats, so energies, right. But when we talk about hydration and why add hydration in to the four week discussion really is this reason. It is the thing that helps our body recover. Right. It keeps the body temperature. Good. It allows. Allows for blood flow to stay regulated. Um, it's why when you go to the hospital, right, they hook you up to an IV. They want to get you hydrated. Um, and when you're dehydrated, the body just doesn't operate smoothly. Well, back to the minerals, if you're not getting enough of minerals in your diet or you're, or you're flushing too many of them out through being hydrated, and you're not having that in your water, in your foods, um, that's another problem. So what do we do? So if you don't get enough water in your body, your body will do what it always does best. It will preserve for survival. So this means that it'll hold onto water to make sure your body can function properly. So. When the body starts getting more water, it actually will turn over that water quicker, giving your body a leaner appearance. So bodybuilders use this to their advantage closer to competition days, right? They do some water manipulation to get themselves, to deplete as much water out of their body as possible to get that leaner look. And, um, that's not a healthy thing by the way, but it is a way to manipulate aesthetics, um, recommendations. Couple of things to think about how much water should I be drinking? Right. That's a great place for us to start. Practically. Good rule of thumb is half your body weight in ounces, half your body weight analysis. I suggest getting like a liter bottle that has answers on it and carry it with you all day. And just try to see if you're supposed to where you're supposed to fill it up. How many times you have to fill it up and drink that. All right. Save your drink. For before or after eating. Right? Not during Y drinking during a meal can cause inflammation in the gut causes issues with digestion. This means less absorbs nutrients and more stress on the body. Neither one of those. So pay attention to the next time you go out or you're eating really salty foods. Try to save it at the end. This is also a great discipline for people trying to lose weight because you can't drink your water. And so you're done your meal. So once you drink your water, you are cut off from eating, right. That's a great habit to hold. Not just for the, the two things I said earlier. Really, you know, absorbing the nutrients and stress on your gut, but really also just saying there's a cutoff. I'm not going to keep snacking here on the French fries or whatever you're eating. So that's number two, save your drinking before, after eating number three environment and. If you work out in a hot environment, you need to drink even more than half your body weight. Why? Um, cause it's hotter, hotter environment and are your going to sweat more. You're going to require your body to work harder because it's trying to keep your, your body temperature regulated as well as it increased for knee. Uh, you're just gonna need more fluids for recovery because you lost more fluids during sweating. So make sure that you try to up that even over half your body weight. Um, I try to go more like 60 to 65% of your body weight. And then coffee, tea, and alcohol is number four thing I want to recommend on this subject. If you're a highly caffeinated or you enjoy drinking alcohol, then you will also need to drink more water than just half your body weight. Okay. While both of these have their benefits, um, you know, and I enjoy, I enjoy both of those. I enjoy alcohol every once in a while, and I definitely love my caffeine. Uh, They did, they do increase the need for more water. So green tea, uh, counts. Right? That's also something, uh, but it's, it's, it's maybe a better substitute just for some of us than regular coffee, um, just because of the compounds in it. So, but that's for another that's for another podcast. So let's talk action steps. Number one, get a mug or water bottle that you can help that helps you drink more water throughout the day, drink 20 ounces or more of water during an after workouts or exercise. And number three, drink a glass of water. First thing in the morning, start your day. Right? Right. If you start it right, it makes it much easier. You're not drinking right before bed. You're not having to wake up and pee in the middle of the night. I would just have those big three, right. Grab something to help you drink more water, drink, 20 ounces or more of water during and after a workout. And number three, drink a glass of water. First thing in the morning. If you do that, that'll help you tremendously in the, uh, getting enough water in and the benefits of drinking enough water. So. Hope you enjoy today's podcast. Hope this was helpful, uh, short one today, but definitely a very important one. Like, and subscribe, when you get a chance and share this with some friends that you think would be helpful. Thanks for supporting me in, uh, in my endeavor to try to help, people become more healthy peace.