Fit As Scheidt

Meat & Sweets Diet - Guest Leeza Scheidt

Blake Scheidt/Leeza Scheidt Season 1 Episode 5

Guest speaker - Leeza Scheidt (yes! My wonderful wife) is discussing the Meat and Sweets diet. This diet is also know as carnivore with fruit. Its a form of the metabolic diet and has been proven to help with hormone issues.

Leeza and I share our  90 days on the diet. 

What we liked
What was challenging 
What we plan on doing next 
And finally our recommendations. 

Welcome to the finish side podcast. I'm Blake shat, your host. And today I have a special guest that is going to be joining me and she is kind of special. It is my wife leaves a shite, so Liza and I. Uh, say something first, so they know you're here. Hi, I'm Lisa. She's pretty shy. Y'all so this could be interesting. That's not true at all. You are kind of shy though. So we are. Going to be sharing an experiment of this diet we've been doing the last three months called the, carnivores and fruits, or pre-med about like eating or meat and sweets, whatever you want to call it. I like meat and sweets more. So I think we're going to call that one, but yeah. So we're going to describe it a little bit for you, and then just share a little bit of our experience. So it will be a quick one today. Would you like to describe what it is? What does it, what is this meat and sweets diet contain? What are you allowed to eat? Well, the meat part of it would be carnivore diet, which is anything that comes from an animal. So you have. Meet, of course. And then, foods that come from an animal would be eggs, you know, dairy milk, anything you can make from milk and dairy. So like cheese, butter, cream, like really processed cheese. Is that good? No, just the minimally, minimally processed. Just a few ingredients, just cream and sugar or milk and sugar or so not getting like in a very processed cheap stuff. Yeah. Or all the added junk that you see in milk today. Vitamin D or a mega fat stuff like that. Just very, very. Straight from the goat. If you can. There you go. Alright. Well, where did we get this idea from? We both kind of came at this actually from two different angles. So I heard this on two different podcasts of, uh, of a guy I've been following who was doing carnival. But he said he added fruits in. I thought that was really interesting. And I said, that sounds so much more doable. Cause I've always thought, you know, the carnivore diet will be interesting to try for a month, you know, but then I thought I couldn't live without vegetables. Um, and I couldn't live without fruits and just all the other things we did paleo for so long. Yeah. I think we needed something else besides paleo. We haven't done that in a long time. And we've been really just watching our macros and eating whole foods as best we can, uh, for the last couple of years. So it was kind of time to try something new and we were excited about this. So yeah, I thought I, you know, I kind of did more from broey reasons of just listen to some podcasts and thought it that'd be cool to try. But Liza was more into a kind of Western price and, um, and some other doctors that she had been listening to through some of her resources and books and podcasts she listens to. And you can share a little bit more about that. Yeah. So I just started listening to the freely rooted podcast, which is a new one it's on women. Uh, and pre-med of all like health. So. Hormone and thyroid balancing and just super intrigued by that. So, I thought, wow. Yeah, I could use some hormone balancing. I was on birth control for so long and I know that screwed up my iron levels and everything in my body, my hormones are jacked up. I've had three kids so, I was like, actually, yeah, let's do this. I don't think I was on for the whole just meat thing. And I did want to add. And, the more balanced in that way. So we kind of came in the middle and we're like, yeah, let's try it out. Yeah. Mine was less intellectual. Hers was more, um, and, and maybe for even better purposes. So, uh, so this let's do this. You run down and give kind of like your two or three things that were really great about the diet and two or three things that you found kind of challenging about the diet. I would say the challenging things were, gosh, my digestion was jacked up starting this diet. I won't go into detail about that. That doesn't get any better either. Not really. No. I still got to figure that out. That, I mean, it hasn't been great, but, yeah, that, and just having to prepare foods is harder because you know, you go on little picnics or day trips, which I'm a stay at home mom. So I do that a lot and I have to have a cooler because I gotta keep my food fresh. Can't just do peanut butter and jelly. I got. You know, salami or cheese or yogurt or something that has to stay cold. So that's just, I mean, not that hard to kind of have a cooler anyway, but just have to think about this things. Um, by the way, our children do not do this diet. No, that's a good point. We try to get them to do stuff. There are you going to pick and choose those battles? She would have to eat. They need so many more carbs too. They're growing rate. Yeah. So, um, but we do keep them to a whole foods diet. So very minimal processed foods, no veggie straws, really in our. Um, yeah, for the most part, for the most part, sometimes convenience wins for sure. But I would say the benefits to the diet have been sustainable energy. Um, man, I've just felt so much healthier and I, and I feel my moods have been. Balanced and consistent thank God or whatever. Um, but yeah, I think actually I think over time, I'll know more about how helpful this diet is because, this is kind of a long-term thing and I don't think we specified fruits the first month we did just. Right. Yeah. The second month we added squash. So seeded vegetables, cucumbers, squashes, which some people would consider that still just fruit. Yeah. But see the vegetables. So things like that. And then I also included the adrenal cocktails, which I learned on from Dr. Rapey, who they mentioned a lot in the freely rooted podcast, which is, um, Lisa really likes them. If you haven't picked that up already. Yeah. I am a big fan. They know their stuff. I mean, they're, they, of course based it off of about four other doctors, but the testimonials are what really gets. Um, they're healing, Hashi, motos, and Dimitrios OSAs and lots of other like hormonal issues. Women are changing their diet and healing from, so there's something to it, but, the adrenal cocktail is just to heal adrenal fatigue. Where our adrenal gland is the generator to the liver, and we have to heal that. So we can have a well-functioning liver, which is where energy is coming from. And it's just four ounces of orange juice, a one teaspoon of cream of tartar, one teaspoon of, Himalayan, CSUN. Which is the sodium and potassium that your adrenal gland needs to heal and lots of good electrolytes, vitamin C. So, just do it twice a day, an hour after eating it. It's really good. Yeah, it's a great pick-me-up. I am shocked at how I noticed when I don't do it just in one day, how my energy is so much lower. So that's been, I've been doing that on. Um, for this diet, which has coupled really well with it. Yeah. That's cool that's great. So I would say that the dice been really easy. I don't feel like I'm on a diet. I don't miss anything. I don't have cravings for crazy sugars. Uh, I think, I think. I have enough of natural sugars that I don't really have a craving for any processed sugars. So that was, that was really interesting. Like I didn't even prefer them. So yeah, my birthday week, when I ahead all that sugar and you didn't even need, I didn't eat any of it. I didn't want any of it, which is not like me in the past. Uh, usually I have to have a slice or something, so. It's been easier to do that less tempting with, with foods that I used to really enjoy, that, that I didn't really want to have in my diet because of the negative effects. I will say that, my energy level has been sustainable, very good for work and thinking and, Coaching and processing things and content that I have to make a, I feel more awake and cognitive and aware for those things. I would say that the negatives are, I still can't hit my carbohydrates for the day. So what I'm supposed to hit I'm way off. You don't realize that, uh, fruit does not have that much carbohydrates in it. It's not like rice or beans or keenwah or things like that, or breads it doesn't have that much in it. You have to eat a lot of fruit. It's a lot. That's true. We metabolic eating. We can add keenwah and rice there. We're starting to include some of those too. I've added those things back in, but, the first month was definitely low and I could feel that in my lifts, I felt very weak. I will say that I didn't, I like digestive wise. When I stay really on point and I haven't gotten off at all, my, my digestive system is really, really good. And like, it's, this is weird and funny to say, but like, I don't, I don't really fart anymore, which yeah. So that was, that's been kind of a cool plus with that. And then when I get off a little bit, like if I, if I take some whey protein of a buddies or something like that, because I didn't have enough protein in that day and they offered it at the gym or something, I will feel my stomach get upset. So those are the things that, and tell it on your breath too, which is wild. It doesn't just impact your digestion. Do you know what my breath smells like? I know when your breath smells, so yeah, my breath stinks if I don't do the diet. So there you go. I would highly recommend it if you are down for looking for something different. I would say that it's, I haven't noticed much of an aesthetic change. So if you're looking for something that is going to help you look better, that's like your aim for this diet. Then, you have to be more a chloric deficit and, it's probably not the best one for that. I would say it could be depending on how you ate before. Yeah. Depending on how you ate before. But I would say that you and I probably didn't feel huge difference in that for the last three months. And that's not really my goal. That's not why you did it. And I didn't really do it for that necessarily either. I did think it was. Something that would keep me more in line. And focused. I did lose like three pounds, but then in 90 days that's not a lot. But I would say that a lot of, a lot of that could be that I just hadn't been able to train very well either. So I've, I've been working out consistently, but they've been lighter workouts cause I've hurt my back recently. So that's a huge, various. But that really wasn't the point of this. But like I said, it's a very sustainable and easy diet. So if you're looking for the long-term health benefits of getting a lot of good micronutrients in and hitting your protein consistently, because the diet is so focused on meat, uh, this is a great diet for you, but if you're looking to get kind of a. Quick easy. I want to look better in 90 days. Probably not your best one. Would you agree with that? I would agree with that. Yeah. And I would just say that it's a, it's an energy boosting mood, bursting, hormone balancing, but that kind of stuff. Time, and you're probably not going to see hormones balance right away, although I have, and some people certainly have. But I just, yeah, I think it's, I actually think it could help you lose weight. I think a lot of us are pretty far from a whole foods diet. Um, you know, definitely could help. It's just one of those. We, we didn't do the diet for that reason. Yeah. Yeah. So we weren't looking at those markers I guess, but, we were looking more for feeling better and, and sustainable energy. Okay. Maybe we'll keep it up for six more months and do another little show and see that's true. We could do that real quick, if you could point some people to any resources on this diet, what would you point them to? Well, definitely Ray P he has a website with a lot of really great scientific articles on different things that he's researched as a biology. And then Western price. I think you mentioned him earlier. He was doctor dentist that him and his wife, uh, wrote nutrition and physical degeneration and how processed foods changed like diseases came and even structural changes in their tracks. Features changed after they were introduced to processed foods. So it's pretty wild. It is pretty wild, but, a lot of cool research there at the Western price foundation. And then of course the book that kind of goes along with his philosophy is nourishing traditions, cookbook, which is way more than just recipes. But I got it like five years ago for like a dollar on Kindle. I'm not sure if it still is, but amazing science, amazing recipes for this kind of diet and hopefully. And then I've already talked about the freely rooted podcasts, which is specific to women, but you've listened and man, you can learn a lot there too. So yeah, that's all. Well, it's awesome. Congratulations being my first guest on my podcast, you are, and you should be, and you shouldn't feel honored. Uh, Yeah, well, again, hit up any of those resources Liza said, and if you're interested or have any follow up questions, you can hit me up on Instagram or Facebook. But this'll be it for the podcast for this episode. And if you would not mind sharing or going and giving us an awesome review, we would really appreciate it. So have a great day or evening, or whenever you were listening to this piece.